Success story of Madhu Kumari
Madhu Kumari Paswan, daughter of Lalita Devi.Her mother is a housewife. Madhu lost her father one year ago in an accident.After her father’s death, her mother took care of her family.
Madhu’s parents earlier used to stay at muzaffarpur but for alternative options and in search of jobs, they came here about 5 years ago. Madhu had got one sister and a brother. At present Madhu is studying in class VIII at Lajpat Balika Vidyalaya.
Madhu has seen children operating computers in television and has expressed her desire to do so. She has a dream of teaching computers in her village school for which she needs to learn the skill. She has joined Apne Aap for fulfilling her dreams.
Muskan is the daughter of Nagma Afreen a woman who lives Watgunge street, adjacent to the red light
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