New Anti Rape Law Finally Addresses Sex Trafficking in India

Founder of Apna Aap World Wide, Ruchira Gupta has been working with victims of the commercial sex trade for over a decade and has been fighting to get the international community to recognize the issue. The organization played an important role in the first anti-trafficking legislation in the United States.

Apne Aap’s hard work, along with that of collaborating women’s organizations and individuals, finally paid off when trafficking was made a penal offense for the first time in India’s history. It includes severe punishment for recruiters, transporters, agents, pimps, brothel managers and owners, landlords, financiers and clients.

Sex trafficking is another name for commercial rape. It exploits a society’s poorest and most disenfranchised women. “Femicide.” That is what women’s rights advocate Ruchira Gupta calls it.

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Credit: Carbonated.TV